Since 2012, besides acting as an independent consultant, I've enjoyed being a gueest lecturer and conference speaker, facilitating work-shops, and erving as an EU expert evaluator, reporter and reviewer. Moreover, I authored numerous articles and book contributions, amongst others a chapter on the design industry for the "Creative Sprint - A Collaborative View on Challenges and Opportunities in the Creative Sector", published by the University of Brandenburg (2014), with 15 articles to the "Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design" (2015) and a chapter on "The emergent conver-gence between design activism and brand design" for the anthology "Design, Visual Communication and Branding", published by Cambridge Scholars (2021).
"Design: A Business Case - Thinking, Leading, and Managing by Design" (2020), written together with Brigitte Borja de Mozota, was published in the US, India and Korea.
An extended tool-book version of the above, under a new name: "Strategic Design for a Responsible Future", modified by Hervé Collignon and Brigitte Borja de Mozota, was published in 2024.
Download a free copy (Danish), of my first book "INNOLITERACY - From Design Thinking to Tangible Change" from 2016.
Buy the English version of "Design: A Business Case - Thinking, Leading, and Managing by Design" here:
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4050 Skibby, Denmark